Stefan Taranushenko

«Destroyed masterpieces of Ukrainian wooden sacred architecture»

Destroyed masterpieces of Ukrainian wooden sacred architecture. Augmented reality book / Taranushenko Stefan; foreword V. Vecherskyi; compiler О. Savchuk. — Kharkiv: Publisher Oleksandr Savchuk, 2021. — 224 p. ; 125 ill. — Edition «Sloboda's world», vol. 18.

Language: Ukrainian

Cover: hardcover

Dimensions: А4 (220х240х20 mm)

Pages: 224 with 125 illustrations

Paper: coated paper

Weight: 1100 g

Category: history of architecture

Series: Sloboda's world, vol. 18

Year: 2021

Edition: 1000

ISBN: 978-617-7538-63-8


Categories: ,


The book contains explorations by Stefan Taranushenko, dedicated to five destroyed masterpieces of Ukrainian wooden sacred architecture: Trinity Church, 1710 in Pakul village of Chernihiv region, Intercession Church, 1759 in Zinkiv of Poltava region, Ascension Church, 1759 Chernihiv region, Church of the Assumption, 1761 in Artemivka village of Kharkiv region and Mykolai church, 1760s in Novi Mlyny village in Chernihiv region. In the 1920s and 1930s, the author managed to measure and photograph them before the process of destruction of sacred art monuments by the Soviet authorities. At the end of each research, the publication contains a QR-code, scanning which allows the reader to get acquainted with 3D-models of destroyed temples and get a comprehensive idea of ​​the masterpieces of Ukrainian wooden sacred architecture, which we have not preserved.

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Weight1.3 kg


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