Porfyrii Demutskyi

«A lyra and its’ motives»

Porfyrii Demutskyi
A lyra and its' motives: Additions. Biographical materials / P.D. Demutskyi; compiler О.О. Savchuk; forewords О.V. Bogdanova and Y.E. Medvedyk; Incipitate of texts by Yu.E. Medvedyk; notes by O.M. Gerashchenko, Yu.E. Medvedyk; compiler of bibliography P. Andriychuk. — Kharkiv: Publisher Oleksandr Savchuk, 2012. — 310 p. ; 39 illustrations.

Language: Ukrainian

Cover: hardcover

Dimensions: А4 (210х290х23 mm)

Pages: 310 with 39 illustrations

Paper: offset and coated paper

Weight: 1020 g

Category: scientific literature

Series: out of series

Year: 2012

Edition: 200

ISBN: 978-966-2562-18-7



The collection of notes by the famous Ukrainian musical folklorist P.D. Demutskyi (1860–1927) «Lyre and its motives» has long been recognized as one of the complete collections of works in the lyre repertoire. The proposed reprint contains materials dedicated to the life and work of its author, as well as past and present experts’ comments and notes. This edition will be useful for folklorists, musicologists, researchers, and reconstructors of the kobza-lyre tradition. The book was prepared for the 110th anniversary of the first publication of the «Lyre and its motives» (Kyiv, 1903) and the 85th year of P. D. Demutskyi’s death.

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Weight1.45 kg


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