Mykhailo Dragan

«Ukrainian wooden churches»

Mykhailo Dragan
Ukrainian wooden churches. Genesis and development of forms: in two parts / Mykhailo Dragan; foreword V. Аleksandrovych; subject-geographical index, terminological dictionary V. Slobodan; compiler О. О. Savchook. — Kharkiv: Publisher Oleksandr Savchook, 2016. — 2-nd edition. — 450 p. : 273 illustrations.

Language: Ukrainian

Cover: hardcover

Dimensions: А4 (200х260х40 mm)

Pages: 450 with 273 illustrations

Paper: coated paper

Weight: 1772 g

Category: history of art

Series: out of series

Year: 2016

Edition: 200

ISBN: 978-966-2562-55-2


Categories: ,


Mykhailo Dragan’s fundamental two-volume “Ukrainian Wooden Churches” was republished for the first time since 1937, with additions and inaccuracies to the first edition. The first volume — text, the second — illustrative — contains more than 150 high-quality photographs of wooden churches in Galicia, made in the 1920s and 1930s. Notes have been developed for the publication; the subject-geographical index has been improved: the location of settlements has been brought in line with the modern administrative-territorial division; the dates churches creating have been clarified. The book opens with a foreword by the famous art historian Volodymyr Alexandrovych, who introduces the reader to the context of Mykhailo Dragan’s scientific activity and the interwar period when the original edition of the book was published. Based on the existing two-volume of the Shcherbakovsky brothers’ “Ukrainian Art” (1913 and 1926) and the first work on Ukrainian architecture by Hryhoriy Pavlutsky “Antiquities of Ukraine. Wooden and stone temples of Ukraine”, Mykhailo Dragan focuses on the wooden architecture of Galicia — Hutsuls, and Boykos. The new edition uses original photographs stored in the personal archive of Mykhailo Dragan at the National Museum in Lviv, named after Andrey Sheptytsky. Vasyl Slobodyan developed the revised subject-geographical index. In 2014, at the Publishers’ Forum in Lviv, the book was included in the 20 best publications of the year.

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Weight1.95 kg


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